Hello my name is AJ. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2014. I have tonic clonic seizures.
A few years ago my seizures became more frequent and I had to leave my job. I also lost my mother and sister and the relationship with my wife broke down resulting in her leaving with our children. I now live alone.
I once had a seizure whilst on the phone to my doctor and I fell down the stairs. My doctor called the emergency services and I was helped. As a result of falling down the stairs I broke my leg. I had 19 seizures that day and it was a low point for me. It is not just the seizures that affects me though, it is the recovery afterwards where I have no energy.
Before using the Befriending Service I was feeling very lonely. I saw an advertisement for Befriending and thought this may be beneficial to me.

Befriending has helped me to find myself again and has given me hope back. I have learnt how to respect myself and how adapt my life to be more epileptic friendly including using safety devices around my home and using my phone which I call my guidebook for reminders with appointments and taking medication which help me live my life.
It has taken me time but I feel like a different person now, I still have seizures but I feel in a much better place and feel like a have my sense of humour back.
If you are thinking about using the Befriending Service I would say definitely give it a shot, because sometimes you might be in a place where you need a hand, especially if you live by yourself and you do not have anyone to give you motivation.
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