Talk and support group blog June 2023

Published: July 17 2023
Last updated: September 11 2023

June was a fantastic month for our Talk and Support groups, where people met virtually and in person across the UK. We had lots of great discussions, and people were able to share their experiences.

Our Talk and Support groups are peer support groups where people come together to have a chat with others who may be able to understand what they are going through.

We had lots of new people joining our groups this month. People sometimes describe feeling apprehensive about coming to a group for the first time, as they don’t know what to expect.

Why not watch our Talk and Support group video to get an idea of what attending a group can look like?

Hot topics

These are the topics that came up the most in this month’s groups:

Positive stories

Our group attendees in Exeter enjoyed taking part in a quiz at their meeting this month!

At one of our face to face groups in the South of England, many people said that attending the meeting was the best thing in their lives. They explained that the people in the group understood the worries and difficulties of living with epilepsy, in a way that others couldn’t.

During one of our virtual regional groups, we had an attendee join from hospital, which shows how valuable the virtual meetings can be!

Make a connection

Find a group for you

We have a range of groups for people affected by epilepsy, both online and face-to-face

Talk and support – virtual groups