Manifesto 2024

Ahead of the general election we rounded up the issues that affect the 630,000 people living with epilepsy in the UK into three topics:

  • Health and social care
  • Justice
  • Work and benefits

We are calling on the new government to address these issues and ensure that epilepsy is a priority in this parliament.

group of people

The issues

Two hands framing a heart containing a first aid cross


Health and social care: We need epilepsy to be prioritised within health and social care and the shortage of specialist nurses and neurologists to be addressed.


Two hands framing the scales of justice


Justice: We need justice for the most vulnerable people with epilepsy to ensure everyone is treated fairly.



Two hands framing a hard helmet


Work and benefits: People with epilepsy need to be empowered to access work and benefits so they are able to live independently.


Our manifesto was created with support from the Neurological Alliance and INQUEST.

Read a PDF version of the Manifesto

How can you get involved?

We want to make sure every MP sees our Manifesto and understands the issues affecting people with epilepsy.

By contacting your local MP and sharing your story, you will be helping to amplify the voices of people with epilepsy and why the newly-elected government needs to treat them as a priority.

You can download a PDF of the Manifesto and letter templates below or we can email you a version.

Send it on to your MP (you can find them here).

You can let us know which MP you have emailed by copying us in to your email (our email is

Step 1
Download our Manifesto
Step 2
Send to your MP
Step 3
Copy us in to your email

Download a PDF of the Epilepsy Action Manifesto and letter templates

Epilepsy Action Manifesto 2024

Epilepsy Action Manifesto 2024

Works and benefits letter

Works and benefits letter

Justice letter

Justice letter

Health and social care letter

Health and social care letter


Send me the Manifesto by email

I'm happy for you to contact me with updates on the Epilepsy Action Manifesto

Want to do more?

Join out work to improve the UK for people with epilepsy by volunteering with our campaign team.