Sports and leisure

Taking part in sport, exercise and leisure activities is important for everyone, including people with epilepsy.

This information explains ways you can make sport, exercise and leisure activities

I have been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Does this change what activities I can do?

With the right support and the relevant safety precautions, you should be able to do most activities. If your seizures are completely controlled by epilepsy medicine, you may not need to take any greater safety precautions than anyone else.

Some people use the epilepsy and driving laws to decide whether their seizures are controlled. This would mean not having had a seizure for 12 months. For anyone, with or without epilepsy, it is always a good idea to follow the rules and recommendations around safety and equipment.

Is sport a good idea for people with epilepsy?

Some people say that when they are active, they are less likely to have seizures. For some people with epilepsy, taking part in sport and leisure activities can really benefit their epilepsy.

A very small number of people with epilepsy find that doing strenuous exercise increases their likelihood of having seizures.


How do I decide whether an activity is safe for me or someone else?

As a person with epilepsy you will always need to ask yourself if there is any risk involved in an activity. If there is, by putting some safety measures in place, you can lower this risk. There are many activities that carry some sort of risk, even if you don’t have epilepsy.

But people still do these activities – otherwise no-one would ever cross the road! Like anyone else, you might consider a particular activity and decide the benefits of doing it outweigh the risks of doing it. It’s all about balancing these out.

Some activities will have a governing body which has particular rules around safety and medical conditions. For details of these organisations, contact Epilepsy Action.

For more information on risk see our safety web page.


Should I tell people about my epilepsy?

To take part in some sports or activities you may need to complete a medical form. This information should only be used to help the organiser do a risk assessment and, if needed, make any reasonable adjustments. You might want to talk to your doctor first to help you decide if something is safe enough for you.

If your epilepsy is unlikely to affect the safety of yourself and others, you may feel you don’t need to tell anyone about your epilepsy.

  • The answers to these questions would help with a risk assessment:
  • How often do you have seizures?
  • What happens when you have a seizure?
  • Do you have a warning before a seizure?
  • How long do your seizures usually last?
  • Is there anything that triggers your seizures (for example flashing lights, excitement, and disturbed sleep)?
  • What risk could there be for you and other people if you had a seizure during the activity?
  • What support would be available if you needed it?

If you feel you are being unfairly prevented from taking part in a sport or leisure activity because of your epilepsy, check our information on epilepsy and your rights.

If you live outside the UK, find out about similar laws in your country by contacting your local epilepsy organisation.

If you would like to check an activity that’s not included in the list below, please contact Epilepsy Action.

In or by water

Water sports in general

Water sports can be enjoyed by people with epilepsy whose seizures are well controlled. If your seizures are completely controlled, you need to consider the general safety precautions for that sport. If you are still having seizures, you need to consider safety issues and your seizures.

For example:

  • Some water sports can be hazardous and may be best avoided
  • Don’t do water sports on your own
  • Make sure someone with you knows about your epilepsy and how to rescue you if necessary
  • Wearing a life jacket is essential if there’s a danger of falling into the water


If your seizures are completely controlled, you don’t need to take any greater safety precautions than anyone else. If you are still having seizures, you need to consider safety precautions.

For example:

  • Seek advice from your doctor or epilepsy nurse. Discuss issues such as your seizure type(s), frequency, and any other factors that could affect your safety when swimming
  • It is always a good idea to have a companion in the water with you
  • Talk to the staff at your local swimming pool about any special requirements you may have
  • Use a floating/buoyancy aid
  • If there is a lifeguard or pool supervisor present, make them aware of your epilepsy
  • If there’s no qualified lifeguard present, don’t swim deeper than the shoulder height of the companion swimming with you
  • Make sure that your companion knows what to do if you have a seizure and is strong enough to help you (see how to deal with a seizure in the water, below)
  • Practise what to do if you have a seizure, with your companion. This will boost your confidence and theirs
  • You could ask a lifeguard to show you how to deal with a seizure that happens in the water
  • Don’t swim if you are feeling unwell
  • Avoid overcrowded situations, as it might be difficult for others to notice if you have a seizure

How to deal with a seizure in the water

Tonic-clonic seizures – basic guidelines:

  • From behind, tilt the person’s head so it is out of the water
  • If possible, move the person to shallow water
  • Shout for a lifeguard to help you get the person out of the water
 Once the person is out of the water:
  • Cushion their head with something soft (for example a towel)
  • Don’t restrain their movements or place anything in their mouth
  • If the person has been prescribed emergency medicine, give this if needed
  • When the jerking movements have stopped, place them on their side to recover
  • Keep them warm and stay with them until they feel better

Absence and focal seizures – basic guidelines

Protect the person from danger, for example by guiding them away from deep water or by holding their head above the water. When they recover, check if they need to get out of the water as they may feel confused and need to rest.

When to call an ambulance

Call an ambulance if:

  • The person may have swallowed or breathed in water, even if they appear to be fully recovered or
  • You know it’s the person’s first seizure, or if the person is unknown to you or
  • The person goes from one seizure to another without regaining consciousness between seizures or
  • The seizure lasts longer than is usual for the person or, if in doubt, when the seizure continues for more than five minutes or
  • The person has been injured

Scuba diving

The British Sub-Aqua Club recommend that you are free from awake seizures and off epilepsy medicine for five years if you want to go scuba diving. If you only have seizures while asleep, the decision is made on an individual basis.


If your seizures are completely controlled, there is no reason why you shouldn’t use a Jacuzzi. However, if your seizures are not well controlled, you should have someone with you who would know how to help you, if you have a seizure.


If your seizures are completely controlled, you need to consider the general safety precautions for fishing. If you are still having seizures, never fish alone. Make sure the person with you knows what to do if you have a seizure. Wearing a life jacket is essential if there’s a danger of falling into the water. Using a longer line may mean you don’t have to sit too near the water’s edge.



Out and about

When out on your own for activities like jogging or rambling, you may want to consider an alarm that uses a tracking or location device. This can help you feel more confident. The device can alert someone if you are having a seizure and also tell the person where you are.

Epilepsy Action has more information on seizure alarms.


There’s no reason why having epilepsy should stop you going hiking or rambling. If you are still having seizures, it’s a good idea to go with someone who knows what to do if you have a seizure.

For further information on rambling and epilepsy, contact the Ramblers Association.


The normal safety precautions for cyclists include wearing high-visibility clothing and protective headgear. These precautions are particularly important if you have epilepsy and want to cycle. If you still have seizures, try to avoid cycling on busy roads and by rivers or canals.

If you have frequent seizures, you may decide to avoid cycling on public roads altogether, until your seizures are under better control.

Running and jogging

If you go running or jogging, you may wish to consider taking some extra safety precautions. These could include keeping to well-lit and traffic-free routes. It is best not to run by rivers or canals. If you are still having seizures, you should ideally go with someone else and/or have a mobile phone with you to call for help if necessary.


Heights are a potential danger to anyone with epilepsy. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t go climbing. But you will need to think carefully about your safety and that of the other people with you in any climbing group.

In particular, if you’re still having seizures it would be best to seek medical advice before a climb involving high altitude. There is a small amount of evidence to suggest that climbing fast to a high altitude can increase the risk of someone having a seizure.

Horse riding

Horse riding can be safe if your seizures are well controlled, or if you always have a long enough warning before a seizure. If your seizures are not well controlled and could cause you to fall off the horse, you may still be able to ride. However, you would need to be closely supported by someone walking alongside the horse.


Cross-country and downhill skiing can both be enjoyed by many people with epilepsy. However, if you are still having seizures, you should avoid downhill skiing. This is because it would be dangerous if you had a seizure. If you are going cross-country skiing, go with someone who knows what to do if you have a seizure.

Theme parks

You might have concerns about safety on rides. Providing there are general safety precautions in place, you don’t need to avoid rides.

Some attractions may involve flashing lights and you may need to avoid these if you have photosensitive epilepsy.


At the gym

If you have been seizure free for 12 months, you should be able to use any piece of gym equipment. If you are still at risk of having seizures, there may be equipment that you shouldn’t use, because it wouldn’t be safe for you or other people. You could discuss this with the staff at the gym and ask for a safety assessment.

Sauna and steam room

Anyone is at risk of burns if they become ill while in a sauna or steam room. If you’re still having seizures it would be a good idea to go with someone who would know how to help you, if you have a seizure.

In the air

Flying a private plane

If you have epilepsy, you must get a medical certificate from a specialist medical examiner in order to be able to fly a private plane. To carry passengers you must have been seizure free for 10 years and not taken epilepsy medicines in that time. The Civil Aviation Authority has more information about medical requirements for pilot licences.

Sky diving (parachuting)

The British Parachute Association says you can take part in a tandem skydive (where you are attached to a professional) if:

  • You have been seizure free for the last two years, and
  • You have not had any changes to your medicine in this period

You will need to get your doctor to sign a medical certificate. Solo skydiving is not considered safe for people with epilepsy.

Contact/extreme sports


If you have epilepsy, the England Boxing regulations say you cannot box.

Extreme sports

Cave diving, hang gliding, parachuting, snowboarding and bungee jumping are just a few examples of extreme sports. All extreme sports have an element of danger.

It is particularly important to check whether it would be safe enough to do any of these activities if you are still having seizures. Whichever sport you choose, there is usually a governing body that sets the safety regulations. For details of these organisations, contact Epilepsy Action.

Martial arts

If you have seizures, it would be best to ask your doctor for advice before practising martial arts. Whatever type of martial art you choose, you should make sure that the people in charge know about your epilepsy and what to do if you have a seizure.

Team sports (including football, rugby, cricket and netball)

There is no evidence to suggest that you should avoid team sports, as long as you follow the normal safeguards. These safeguards may include wearing the proper head protection as recommended by the official sporting body. If your epilepsy has been caused by a head injury, your doctor may advise you to avoid these types of sports.


Published: December 2021
Last modified: July 2024
To be reviewed: April 2024
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