Talk and support group blog July 2023

Published: August 10 2023
Last updated: September 11 2023

Despite the rainy weather, our face to face groups in July were well attended. We are really grateful to all of our volunteers who make these groups happen!

It was also an exciting time for our virtual groups, as we had some of our new Virtual Talk and support volunteers join us at the groups as part of their induction process.

Work was a topic that came up frequently this month. Epilepsy and employment is something we are always keen to hear more about. You can take this quick survey to tell us more about your experiences.

Hot topics

These are the topics that came up the most in this month’s groups:


Positive stories

Our group in Truro enjoyed taking part in a fun quiz this month!

At one of our virtual groups, someone joined us for the first time having heard about our groups on Facebook. They said they were keen to hear about other people’s experiences. They said they really enjoyed the meeting and would be back!

Someone at our face to face groups said the reason they come to the group is that ‘it is the only place where people understand what it is like to have epilepsy’.

We also received a message from someone who attended a virtual group, to say they were so relieved just to sit and listen to other people’s stories.

Make a connection

Find a group for you

We have a range of groups for people affected by epilepsy, both online and face-to-face

Talk and support – virtual groups